Text and ready images and ideas instead of color paint and
a reading room instead of a studio
Digenes Akritas
I work with texts and so far a have worked with:
Pope Joann
and now Digenis Akritas
with the exception of Ajax all the others are in a concept:
Mythology and Legends that are not greek but marginal from greek
and I want to make them greek
to feel them as greek
as the west has made / feel as its own the greek mythology and
because greek is global but global isn't greek.
My work is made so far from serendipity
Digenis Akritas is one of some
medieval heros
like Roland, Siegfried, Oliver, Seyyit Battal, Devgenio Dejanie
I am not interested to find who is first or what poem influenced by what.
All of them are needed and accepted from that time up today for probably the
same reason.
An unstable state and the need of a mighty guardian that protects but does not
And he is an early example of hero of our era
-so he fits in the notion global to greek-
like James Bond, John Steed, Napoleon Solo, Indiana Jones, captain America etc
And probably an early example of the Dualism that
become a question / problem
that looses in religion but wins in art / literature
And (this dualism) becomes more explicit
in two of the main "boogie men" of the 20th century
Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde
and Dracoula
and more hidden in the new movies with the good and the less good cop
the super heros who have two identitie s
The new kind of hero
does no go to the other side - Death and back again
or have any connection with the other side
but really dies
he is just mighty
and his adventures are variations of a single one, so they can
be numerous .